Better workflow with iTerm2

Mar 14, 2014


I made the switch to iTerm a few months back.

Switching to the oh-my-zsh shell gives you a lot more then the default bash on mac. For starters it has many plugins which can increase workflow. My favourite is git, which displays the branch you are on and if you have made changes. Also it sets some aliases up for you, such as:

1ga — git add
2gc — git commit
3gst — git status

Which, although aren’t revolutionary can save a lot of time (though these can be set yourself).

Oh-my-zsh has a very easy set up in the form of an automatic installer to get you up and running with no hassle.

However, one the best things I have set up on iTerm I was told by a work colleague.

If you set the style to Bottom of screen under Profiles — Window, and then a hotkey under Keys, you can then open the terminal quickly just with the hotkey and it will overlay the current window. This means you don’t have to search for the terminal in the list of open windows which can saves a lot of time if you switch a lot.





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